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Physicians working together with Gore for quality outcomes

Gore Grants Program

Education and research support for quality outcomes

Requestor / Recipient qualified to receive support:

  • Bona fide charitable organization
  • Accredited medical school, teaching institution, or academic organization
  • Teaching hospital with accredited fellowship program
  • National disease specific or professional societies including regional affiliates
  • Medical or scientific association
  • Foundation with a stated mission that includes support of a qualified requestor/recipient

Requestor / Recipient acknowledges that:

  • Submission of a grant application is no guarantee of approval
  • Gore does not allow grant funds to be used for facilities and administration, indirect costs, capital improvements, acquisitions, or any other type of operating expenses
  • Gore will not take into account the volume or value of past, current, or future purchases or recommendations of Gore medical products by requestor or recipient during review of grant
  • Gore will provide support only to a qualified requestor / recipient and not an individual health care professional unless allowed by local law, regulation, or code
  • Requestor / Recipient is solely in control and responsible for activities funded through grant and Gore shall not seek, either directly or indirectly, to influence the activities or benefit from their outcomes
  • Gore will not participate in any decision regarding which individual health care professional, if any, may benefit from grant
  • The approval of any grant application is not a guarantee or commitment to future grant applications
  • Support for any approved grant application will only be provided upon Gore’s receipt of a fully executed grant agreement

To be eligible for approval a Grant Application must:

  • Be documented on a complete and accurate grant application completed by the requestor
  • Be aligned to Gore's business and/or educational strategy for that region
  • Be relevant to clinical, scientific, or healthcare topics within the therapeutic areas that Gore supports
  • Comply with any additional criteria necessary per local laws, regulations, or codes