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Physicians working together with Gore for quality outcomes

Gore Grants Program

Education and research support for quality outcomes

W. L. Gore & Associates, recognizing the importance of grants to improved patient care and the advancement of medical technology and treatment, has established a grants program to support valuable educational and research grants.  

The Gore Grants Program may support the following types of grant requests:

  • Educational Grants – Support for the advancement of genuine medical education of health care providers or professionals, patients, or the general public. Examples include: support for continuing education / non-continuing education programs, indirect sponsorship of health care providers/professionals, fellowships and grand rounds.
    • As of Jan 1, 2018, Gore no longer provides direct sponsorship in any region or country.
    • If a request combines meeting / symposium support AND booth, exhibit, or advertising space expenses, submit a grant program application and indicate the amount allocated to each. 
    • Gore does not typically support multiple year educational grant requests.
  • Research Grants – Support of independent medical research with scientific merit, well-defined objectives and milestones. Examples include: physician sponsored studies, peer-reviewed publications, clinical databases, registries and similar projects.
  • Charitable Contributions and Donations – Support for genuine charitable or philanthropic purposes or to benefit a charitable or philanthropic cause.

The most common types of support available through the Gore Grants Program are the provision of funding and products.  In rare cases, upon request, equipment or other in-kind services may be provided.

Grant Requests must align with one of the therapeutic areas in which Gore is interested and/or involved:

  • Vascular – Treatment and management of aortic, peripheral artery (PAD), venous, and/or A/V access (dialysis access) disease.
  • Cardiac –  Treatment and management of structural and congenital heart disease, including cardiac reconstruction/repair, valvular replacement/repair, and heart failure.
  • General Medical – Treatment and management of hernias, biliary and foregut disease, as well as bariatric, general, plastic, reconstructive and thoracic surgery needs.
  • Other – Description and rationale for request of support by Gore if not associated with the above areas.

Click here for more information on how to submit to the Gore Grants Program or Contact the Gore Grants Program Coordinator;

Contact Information for requests not related to the Gore Grants Program