Consider TIPS in Treating Portal Hypertension
Guidance when referring for TIPS
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Our library of videos covers many topics, from finding out what doctors are saying about TIPS to how to determine the right patient types for the TIPS procedure.
Early TIPS animation
Watch how a GORE® VIATORR® TIPS Endoprothesis with Controlled Expansion is placed inside a channel that routes blood flow through the damaged liver and into the main blood vessels that lead blood back to the heart.
Brett E. Fortune, M.D., and Edward W. Lee, M.D., Hepatologist/Interventional Radiologist collaboration is key
Learn about the use of TIPS for treating liver disease and the importance of a liver team to collaborate for portal hypertension patients and early TIPS therapy.

Lisa B. VanWagner, M.D., presents at Digestive Disease Week (DDW)
Learn about the U.S. experience around current TIPS utilization and outcomes.
TIPS Guidelines - Evidence and Use
Patient Selection for TIPS
Michael B. Fallon, M.D., presents at Digestive Disease Week (DDW)
Demystify TIPS through understanding proper patient selection and risk stratification.
Downloadable resources
Here you will find a range of helpful TIPS procedure resources
Brochure ‘Time to Rethink TIPS’
Get information about the TIPS procedure, efficacy and safety.
When to consider TIPS for your patients with ascites complications?
Learn key points to consider when evaluating selected patients.
Should you consider pre-emptive TIPS as early as possible for your patients with variceal bleeding?
Learn key points to consider for selected variceal bleeding patients.
TIPS procedure guide
Learn about the TIPS procedural steps
Product flyer - EU configurations
See the configurations available for GORE® VIATORR® TIPS Endoprosthesis with Controlled Expansion.
Guidelines on referring for TIPS evaluation
For guidelines on referring patients for evaluating for the TIPS procedure, please see the article from the EASL Guidelines.
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Refer to Instructions for Use at eifu.goremedical.com for a complete description of all applicable indications, warnings, precautions and contraindications for the markets where this product is available. RXOnly