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Webinar Series

Atrial Septal Interventions: A Structural Heart Webinar Series for Health Care Professionals

Further your knowledge on clinical aspects of PFO and ASD closure and engage in a deeper understanding of Gore structural heart products, GORE® CARDIOFORM Septal Occluder and GORE® CARDIOFORM ASD Occluder.

Format - Topic Discussion (30 minutes) | Case Review (30 minutes)

Registration is free and attendance is 100% remote through your desktop or web-enabled device. Webinars will be held throughout the course of the year.  All webinars will also be recorded and archived for convenient, on-demand access. 

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PFO Closure and Secondary Stroke Prevention: A Gore webinar series for health care professionals

Experience an in-depth PFO-Stroke curriculum to deepen your knowledge on the latest clinical data, patient selection for PFO closure, PFO diagnosis and the American Academy of Neruology Practice advisory update.

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Consult Instructions for Use

Refer to Instructions for Use at for a complete description of all applicable indications, warnings, precautions and contraindications for the markets where this product is available. RX only