Gore Grants Program
Education and research support for quality outcomes
W. L. Gore & Associates, recognizing the importance of grants to improved patient care and the advancement of medical technology and treatment, has established a Grants Program to support valuable research grants.
Gore’s Grants Program may support the following types of grant requests:
- Research Grants – Support of independent medical research with scientific merit, well-defined objectives and milestones. Examples include: physician sponsored studies, publications, clinical databases, and projects.
- For information regarding research grants, contact Grants Program Coordinator at Grants_Program@wlgore.com or by calling +1 (928) 864-3842
- The most common types of support available through Gore’s Research Grant’s Program are the provision of funding and products. In rare cases, upon request, equipment or other in-kind services may be provided.
- Research grant requests must align with one of the therapeutic areas in which Gore is interested and/or involved:
- Vascular – Treatment and management of aortic, peripheral artery (PAD), venous, and/or A/V access (Dialysis Access) disease.
- Cardiac – Treatment and management of structural and congenital heart disease, including cardiac reconstruction/repair, valvular replacement/repair, and heart failure.
- General Medical – Treatment and management of hernias, biliary and foregut disease, as well as bariatric, general, plastic, reconstructive and thoracic surgery needs.
- Other – Description and rationale for request of support by Gore if not associated with the above areas.
Gore’s Research Grants Program Process:
- Application – Requests for support of research programs may be submitted by completing the applicable Research Grant Application and submitting to Grants_Program@wlgore.com.
- The Research Grant Application must be completed in English, however as necessary, attachments may be provided in local language.
- Applications must be received no less than eight weeks prior to the date of the program. If an application is received for a program with less than eight weeks, it will not be eligible for review.
- All applications will be initially reviewed for completeness and against Gore Research Grants Program criteria within three business days of receipt. If further information is needed prior to review by the Grants Committee, the requestor will be notified. If no additional information is needed, the requestor will receive a notification that the grant application will be submitted for Grants Committee review and the approximate review date.
- Do not submit any confidential information in your grants application - we can only accept non-confidential information as part of the research grants process. The Research Grant Application, attachments, protocols (summary or final), and any other information and communications concerning your research grant request/application must reveal nothing to Gore that you would expect us to keep confidential.
- No express or implied relationship, confidential or otherwise, is established by the submission of a research grant request/application to Gore or by consideration of Gore of the submitted research grant request/application. no obligation of any kind is assumed by, nor may any be implied against Gore, its subsidiaries or affiliates, including any obligation to maintain any information supplied in a research grant request/application or in communications concerning a research grant request/application as confidential.
- Please note by providing your individual contact information (including any information subject to data privacy laws), you must consent to the use of that information by Gore. This information may be transmitted internally between Gore businesses in different countries, including the United States.
- If you withhold your consent, do not send Gore any of your individual contact information. Use non-individual contact information if you still wish to submit a grant application.
- If you do consent, and you provide your individual contact information with the grant application, Gore will use this information to respond to you about the review and status of the grant application. You may ask Gore to delete your individual contact information at any time. Consult the Gore data privacy policy for further information.
- Review – The research grants committee meets on a periodic basis (every two-four weeks based on request type). The Gore research grants committee reviews all research grant applications based on objective criteria and industry standards.
- Outcome – All requestors will be notified of the outcome within five business days of the research grant committee meeting.
- Agreement – If a research grant request has been approved, the requestor will be sent a research grant agreement for signature. Research grant support may only be provided once Gore receives a signed research grant agreement from the requestor.
- Reporting – Gore will publically report, as required for national, federal, state, or local laws, regulations, and industry codes, the amount and type of grant support provided.
After completion of the research program, grant recipient must provide verification that grant support was fully utilized for the intended and approved purposes via the Grant Program Report Template. Any funds or support not fully utilized must be returned to Gore.
Program Criteria
Requestor/Recipient qualified to receive support:
- Bona fide charitable organization
- Accredited medical school, teaching institution, or academic organization
- Teaching hospital with accredited fellowship program
- National disease specific or professional societies including regional affiliates
- Medical or scientific association
- Foundation with a stated mission that includes support of a qualified requestor/recipient
Requestor/Recipient acknowledges that:
- Submission of a grant application is no guarantee of approval
- Gore does not allow grant funds to be used for facilities and administration, indirect costs, capital improvements, acquisitions, or any other type of operating expenses
- Gore will not take into account the volume or value of past, current, or future purchases or recommendations of Gore medical products by requestor or recipient during review of grant
- Gore will provide support only to a qualified requestor/recipient and not an individual health care professional unless allowed by local law, regulation, or code
- Requestor / Recipient is solely in control and responsible for activities funded through grant and Gore shall not seek, either directly or indirectly, to influence the activities or benefit from their outcomes
- Gore will not participate in any decision regarding which individual health care professional, if any, may benefit from grant
- The approval of any grant application is not a guarantee or commitment to future grant applications
- Support for any approved grant application will only be provided upon Gore’s receipt of a fully executed grant agreement
To be eligible for approval a Grant Application must:
- Be documented on a complete and accurate grant application completed by the requestor
- Be aligned to Gore's business and/or educational strategy for that region
- Be relevant to clinical, scientific, or healthcare topics within the therapeutic areas that Gore supports
- Comply with any additional criteria necessary per local laws, regulations or codes