In this uncertain time, two things remain strong:
<span style="font-size:1.77rem; font-weight: bold;">YOUR UNWAVERING COMMITMENT TO YOUR PATIENTS, AND OUR UNWAVERING COMMITMENT TO YOU.</span>
Gore Medical Products Division is Here for You
No words can express our gratitude for the physicians and health care providers on the front lines of this global health crisis. We hope you find reassurance and meaningful support in the resources we have developed and gathered to help sustain you in your relentless commitment to the lives and well-being of others.
COVID-19 information and resources:
Read on below to understand how Associates across the entire Enterprise are bringing together our communal knowledge, skills and capabilities to support the global medical community during this time of need, and visit the tabs above to learn how we are protecting the ongoing access to the life-saving medical devices and clinical support that physicians trust us to provide.
Please call or email Gore if there is anything we can do to help you with healthcare or patient needs right now.

One Gore, Worldwide Collaboration
At Gore, we have focused our time, tools and talents by leveraging our material science expertise to explore meaningful ways we can contribute to short- and long-term solutions in the fight against COVID-19.
Whether it’s distributing resources in Wuhan, China, partnering with the U.S. “maker” community to 3D print masks that use Gore filters, or adapting telehealth technologies to support physicians in the Netherlands in patient cases that cannot be postponed, we are with you, Together, improving life, during COVID-19.

Rapid Innovation to Protect Front-Line Workers Fast
As the personal protection equipment (PPE) shortage became dire, Gore heard from numerous providers and physicians seeking help. We rapidly engineered reusable respirator covers to supplement clinicians’ primary face masks, moving from concept to prototype in under a week. These reusable covers are made from a proprietary Gore high-flow filtration laminate that provides greater than 99% aerosolized virus particle protection.
The PPE Protectors are just one example of our quick responses to adapt our materials to urgent needs.

Community Partnerships Scale Up Solutions
Our strength in materials science complements others’ strengths in high-volume production and complex distribution. Gore is providing our specialized materials to qualified collaborators producing a variety of finished items to address demand worldwide. Community partnerships are producing:
- Protective medical gowns, using fabrics laminates from our surplus inventory
- Universal filter cartridge prototypes for use in respirators, hoods and ventilators that incorporate our filtration materials intended to provide N95 level protection
- Disposable N95 respirators, using Gore filtration laminates

Remote Case Planning and Telepresence in the Operating Room
As part of our global pandemic response, our Medical Products Division Field Associates continue to provide clinical case support to physicians performing life-saving surgeries in more than 62 countries.
We have adapted to serve physicians while protecting patients and adhering to local pandemic regulations in accordance with data privacy and security measures. For example, in the Netherlands, our Field Sales Associates supported two physicians in a complex surgery by offering live remote case support via Bluetooth headphones while videoconferencing to view and respond to real-time x-ray images.
Your local Gore Associate is the best point person for understanding how this technical case planning and support may be affected by your own community’s evolving COVID-19 safety, travel and access protocols.

Pandemic and Practice: A Gore Webinar Series for Medical Professionals
In this free four-part series, Gore Medical Products Division convened panels of physicians to discuss applying pandemic learnings to improve care protocols, patient communications and teamwork. Topics include resuming elective procedures, physician wellness and more. Darren Schneider, M.D., of New York-Presbyterian moderates.

Supporting Our Associates As They Support You
We are proud to work with a team of such generous and talented people. Gore Associates are answering the call for help in every way they can: Providing engineering and prototyping support to address urgent equipment needs at hospitals; organizing food deliveries for both medical workers and for families in their communities; running errands for elderly neighbors; caring for children whose parents serve as essential workers – all while continuing to support customers and contribute to daily Gore business activities.