GORE® EXCLUDER® Conformable AAA Endoprosthesis with ACTIVE CONTROL System
The GORE® EXCLUDER® Device family offers a broad range of on-label use for patients needing EVAR.
Physicians now have an EVAR solution designed to treat patients with:
Short neck length: down to 10 mm
High neck angulation: up to 90°
Small diameter neck: down to 16 mm
View device deployment
The conformability of the new GORE® EXCLUDER® Conformable Device in combination with the angulation control of the new delivery system [GORE® ACTIVE CONTROL System] will allow us to offer a less invasive, lower-risk alternative to open surgery to more AAA patients than ever before."
Marc van Sambeek, M.D., Professor and Vascular Surgeon, The Netherlands.
Continue to count on the GORE® EXCLUDER® Device family to help you move EVAR forward.