View the 60 second summary. 

The GORE® ACUSEAL Vascular Graft expands treatment options with the potential for earlier cannulation and earlier removal or avoidance of a CVC.


Compared to patients with arteriovenous (AV) grafts, patients with CVCs face a possibility of 49% increased risk of fatal infections.1 The use of GORE® ACUSEAL Vascular Grafts may allow for early removal or avoidance of CVCs, thereby improving patient outcomes by lowering the risk of complications and infections associated with CVCs.

By utilizing the GORE® ACUSEAL Vascular Graft, providers and payers may reduce their overall costs of treating complications associated with the use of CVCs in AV access.

The potential for providers to improve Hospital-Acquired Condition (HAC) / central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) scores**, as it relates to AV access, by utilizing GORE® ACUSEAL Vascular Graft.

Average Sepsis Cost per patient chart
MD Didactic
HACRP Handout

* This category includes central lines used for chemotherapy, antibiotics, blood products, hemodialysis, catherer-associated urinary tract infections, and surgical site infections following colon and abdominal hysterectomy procedures.

** This category includes central lines used for chemotherapy, antibiotics, blood products, hemodialysis, etc. 

  1. Ravani P, Palmer SC, Oliver MJ, et al. Associations between hemodialysis access type and clinical outcomes: a systematic review. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2013;24(3):465-473.
  2. Mohr BA, Trovillion PJ. Economic value of preventing central venous catheter sepsis infections with early cannulation arteriovenous grafts (ECAVGS) compared to non-ecavgs. Presented at the ISPOR 20TH Annual International Meeting; May 16-20, 2015; Philadelphia, PA. Value in Health 2015;18(3):A42. PMD27.

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